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This colloborative challenge to support the growth of social innovation within the non-profit sector and social enterprise is based on partnership formation. Each research associate was based within three different organisations in Madison in order to gain a richer annd broader perspective of the contextual underpinnings of Madison's non-profit sector. This encouraged greater participation in discussions and analysis with the trusted expertise of professionals that were able to share knowledge in a transparent and open environment to help generate key themes and issues the sector currently faces.


Internships & Stakeholders


Sustain Dane are a social enterprise concentrating their efforts upon environmental and social sustainability within the community to encourage and enhance the wellbeing of all citizens in Madison and beyond. They initiate innovative projects to socially integrate all citizens in community development projects that aim to promote and enhance the environmental and agricultural aims. 


Urban League is one of the longest standing non-profit organisations concentrating upon newly developed programmes that innovate the delivery of education and employment across the USA. In Madison Urban League works hard in promoting equal opportunities to ensure discrimination of any sort is not a barrier to employment. Current projects work hard to support ethnic minorities in the local district, as they are more likely to be living in conditions of lower socio-economic status. For information on Madison's racial/income divide can be found here, or for more information on Urban League of Greater Madison visit their website here.

Sustain Dane
Urban League
Community Shares

Community Shares, is a unique social enterprise that implements innovative fundraising streams to support and encourage the growth of further socially enterprising start-ups in the Madison district. The organisation is a key funding sources for many community projects that aid to the development of a variety of social and environmental projects to ensure the Madison's unique charm of containing the greatest number of non-profit organisations per capita remains prosperous and thrives, even under financial constrains. More information on the past and current sponsorships can be seen here.

This project is supported by a variety of reputable key stakeholders of Madison's most prominent socially enterprising initiatives. They were key personalle in the assistance of this research development task and acted as supervisors facilitating our research, interviews, data collection and their acknowledgement should not go unnoticed, for them we are incredibly thankful for all their help to support such a project.



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